I appreciate all of your coverage and work here! I'm not sure if whom to request for these records, but I'm a resident of downtown Mesa, and I've longed been fascinated by the city's continual mismanagement of Site 17--a big swath of land near downtown, which the city emptied using eminent domain, displacing many working-class Latino families, in the late 80s to make way for multiple development projects that have never come to fruition. The latest updates came in December and it sounds like there's some backroom negotiating that isn't going well for the City https://www.themesatribune.com/news/jinxed-downtown-mesa-parcel-bitten-again/article_12011916-7d97-11ed-84c0-1f0f876002cc.html
With all that preface, I'm wondering if the offices of Mayor Giles, Jeff McVay, City Manager Chris Brady, or Councilmember Duff would have some records that could help clarify what's going on.
Can you please find out information about the Fairgrounds. I know they were in negotiations with the Gila River Community to move the fair there. Did that die? The State Fair provides no information on their website about future meetings or previous minutes. Thank you
I appreciate all of your coverage and work here! I'm not sure if whom to request for these records, but I'm a resident of downtown Mesa, and I've longed been fascinated by the city's continual mismanagement of Site 17--a big swath of land near downtown, which the city emptied using eminent domain, displacing many working-class Latino families, in the late 80s to make way for multiple development projects that have never come to fruition. The latest updates came in December and it sounds like there's some backroom negotiating that isn't going well for the City https://www.themesatribune.com/news/jinxed-downtown-mesa-parcel-bitten-again/article_12011916-7d97-11ed-84c0-1f0f876002cc.html
With all that preface, I'm wondering if the offices of Mayor Giles, Jeff McVay, City Manager Chris Brady, or Councilmember Duff would have some records that could help clarify what's going on.
Can you please find out information about the Fairgrounds. I know they were in negotiations with the Gila River Community to move the fair there. Did that die? The State Fair provides no information on their website about future meetings or previous minutes. Thank you
Also, Craig Harris is no longer reporting at USAT. I’d love more charter school exposes.
I’d love a deep dive into the redistricting process and the gerrymandered districts. Isn’t there a potential lawsuit there?