(Housekeeping note: This post will be very short so we all can just go enjoy this long Thanksgiving weekend. I will be back with more records on Monday!)
As early subscribers know, I’ve been requesting monthly calendars from several public officials every month. Many of them have yet to fulfill a single calendar request, despite how simple and easy it is (looking at you Governor Ducey, AG Brnovich and Treasurer Yee), so I’ll just say I’m thankful for those who have sent me their calendars.
Hopefully with the new slate of elected officials1 set to take office in January it will only continue to be smooth sailing in the name of transparency.
Two consistently transparent offices in the three months I’ve been operating this newsletter are the Arizona Department of Education under outgoing Superintendent Kathy Hoffman; and the Secretary of State’s Office under Governor-elect Katie Hobbs2.
They are the only ones to send me calendars without a new request every month and I will point out when government officials do a good job as often as possible because I very much realize most of the stories I write are on the negative side.
All that being said, here are the calendars for Rachel Mitchell under her first several months as Maricopa County Attorney; Kathy Hoffman’s October calendar; Katie Hobbs’ October calendar and DES Director Michael Wisehart’s July calendar.
Thanks for reading and if you don’t yet subscribe please help me reach my goal of 100 new subscribers before January 10 because as of now that’s when I’m planning to start putting up a paywall on some content and raising prices from $5/month to $7/month and $50/year to $75/year. You can also give a gift subscription.

Also please share with friends or family members who might be interesting in Arizona public records.
Happy Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for you all!
If there are any records you think I should request from outgoing elected officials, reply to this or email me directly at dillon@fourthestate48.com. I have several outstanding requests as it is, but maybe I’ll begin to receive some now the election is over… I’m not holding my breath though.
If Hobbs’ office keeps it up when she (and likely the same staff) moves from the Seventh Floor to Ninth Floor, we may actually know what it’s like to receive public records at a faster pace. Amazing when someone actually shows even just glimpses that they give a shit about government transparency. I’m cautiously optimistic, but you can bet I will be screaming from the rooftops if it’s more of the same as it is now.