How's that transparency going?
After another 100+ days, no noticeable changes on the Ninth Floor
At Governor Katie Hobbs’ first 100 days leading Arizona, I posted an update on how she and her office were doing with transparency given it was a noted campaign promise for her.
That was on April 14 and at the time, transparency was not really there. Public records were slow to turn over and Hobbs wouldn’t allow reporters to attend public meetings, among other non transparent actions happening.
Since that day, 108 days ago, public records are arguably slower and that same public meeting reporters weren’t allowed to attend? Well, Mary Jo Pitzl of the Arizona Republic, just walked right in like any top notch reporter would.
Since this publication is solely focused on public records, let’s jump right to the point.
The Ninth Floor under Hobbs might be worse than Gov. Doug Ducey’s office when it comes to public records. It’s at least on par and Ducey’s office was the worst when they didn’t even have a public records coordinator. Hobbs has one who is non responsive.
It’s like pulling teeth just to get a confirmation that the request was received and they have a whole email that’s dedicated to receiving requests:, but apparently that still isn’t enough.
The Republic just reported on how Hobbs still hasn’t appointed a single member to the Arizona-Mexico Commission that she fired en masse early this year. It’s been seven months, but five months ago (when the mass firing happened) I requested applications and information on everyone who sought a seat on the 31-member board, but haven’t received anything.
The public deserves to know who applied, who Hobbs is interviewing and who she is choosing, but also just as important: who she isn’t choosing. These are usually seen as political appointments and the Arizona-Mexico Commission is important for the business community for the state, and also the partnership with Mexico.
That’s not the only appointment-related records I’m still waiting on after months. I previously requested info on appointments to the Commission on Appellate Court Appointments and the Board of Executive Clemency, but still haven’t received those yet. Hobbs has appointed two members to the appellate court commission so far, both Democrats.
Another set of records I’m awaiting is new staff salaries for the Ninth Floor given all the turnover.
In total, there are at least a dozen separate records I’m still waiting to be fulfilled and most of them were sent 5+ months ago.
Here’s to hoping that not only the Legislature wraps up work today (no more per diem payments for lawmakers!) but that Hobbs’ office actually comes around on her campaign promise to bring transparency to the Ninth Floor, because it’s the public’s right to know everything that is happening.